Hi! I'm Avalai :)
Today, I purchased a book called 365: A Daily Creativity Journal, by Noah Scalin. I strongly suggest checking it out. It's a really cool book, that sends you a a super-awesome quest; to Make Something Every Day, and Change Your Life!
I think that adequately describes what I'm about to do here, don't you think?
Starting January 1st, 2011, I will be making one project a day, whether it be a drawing, a photo, or a 3D sculpture. I decided to base my creations on Top Hats, because, well, I like Top Hats!!
Everyday you get a small 'inspirational' sentence. Basically a topic. I'll be putting those at the top of every post.
So...ya! I hope you'll hang around with me on my quest to immortalize top hats 365 different ways! It's gonna be AWESOME!
Thanks to my boyfriend, for coming with me to buy books, and for having a Top Hat to inspire me. And, of course, for all the times you'll be lending me said Top Hat in the year to come :D