Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 37

"Make something with a stapler. You can staple things together or, heck, just work with the loose staples. Even the stapler itself can be transformed."
Several layers of tissue paper do not like being glued together. Nor do they enjoy staying still for me to staple them. Blarg.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 36

"Take something old and make it look new."
I took an empty can of concentrated iced tea, painted it red, covered it in a layer of red tissue paper, and painted a pretty black design on it. Can you see the little top hat tribute? :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 35

"Create instructions that others can use to make something, and then have someone try it out."
Well now. This image is HUMONGOUS!(500x3200) And so I uploaded it on devientArt instead, so you can all go over there and see it. Have I mentioned how big it is?
How to Make a Felt Heart

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34

"Work with Wire. Thin-gauge wire can easily be bent by hand, so no special tools are required. You don't even have to buy wire if you have some paper clips handy."
Luckily, my mother is just as much of an artsy person as I am, and she's had a lot longer to collect supplies and stuff. So I had thin wire.
I also had seed beads and beading thread, which I still believe has wire in it. It holds shape very nicely for a beading thread. I find it suspicious. *ninja eyes*

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Change is [sometimes] good.

I think I'm going to change this. I'm not enjoying it, I'm stressing over it, I put off doing the art every day because I don't want to. I'm a changing person, never the same day to day, so how can I expect myself to do the same thing every day? It makes no sense, at least to me.
So I'm going to change this so that I will enjoy it more. This project is for my benefit, after all. I'm supposed to be having fun with this.
So from now on, I will not by making top hats every day. For January, sure, it was fun, but it gets dull for me, to always have to think in the same shape. This is not how it was supposed to be, and I don't feel the freedom I want to have with an extracurricular activity like this.
So this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to change everything, right now. I think I will enjoy it more, it will help me achieve the goals I set for this, which my current project is not doing.
I apologize to anyone who is disappointed by this. But really, it is my project, sorry.
Oh. I suppose I haven't actually explained the change yet, have I?
Well, first of all. The site is now A Bottle of Paint. I like that name.
Secondly. Top hats were great for January, but now I need a change. So, every month this year, I will change the subject I will make an extra pretty little picture depicting that month's topic, and all my creations that month will have that theme.
Thirdly, on the last day of the month I can make ANYTHING I WANT, with any theme and/or topic. Just for fun.
I want to enjoy this. I don't want it to be a chore, and I was beginning to treat it like one. So that's the new plan, and this one I'm going to stick with.
Thank you.